Home is far away for some and there will inevitably be times of doubt, but we are gonna nurture our dream and come back home with a more determined self.
Roaming around countries throughout all these years, Georgia thinks we don’t particularly need to have a large sense of belonging to a singular place, but a small sense of belonging to many places instead. For Georgia, home is where the heart is. Let’s check out this interview to see how illustration has soothed her heart amidst the hard time.

AWW: As we know, you’ve studied Genetics and Microbiology in college and it is totally different from what you’re doing now! What makes you set your heart on illustration?
Georgia: I have always done relatively well academically and have been very interested in science. But for as long as I can remember, in my spare time, I gravitated towards drawing or creating. When I went through a hard time in my 20’s with mental health, I found the thing that gave me a sense of worth and happiness again was doing art and illustration. What started off as my personal therapy developed into something not just for me, but something I could share for the whole world.

AWW: Your illustration often combines the reality world and the virtual world, mostly with imaginative animals. How do you come up with the idea of merging the two?
Georgia: For my illustrated photos, I have always loved travel, exploring the outdoors and photography. Since I moved into illustration, I didn’t want to lose my passion for travel photos and thought I could combine the two. I wanted to show maybe the hidden magical creatures that could live in these moments and to help immerse the viewer in each scene.

AWW: I bet nature and animals are the very essential elements in your life. What do they mean to you?
Georgia: I love them both so much, they both bring me joy and a sense of peace. Nature is more meditative and immersive and animals are more the joy, light and play in me. I love their honesty, rawness and trying to bring out their goofy sides. Animals represent all the aspects of humans I love, but they display them so freely. They aren’t afraid to jump around, and be silly, and to love openly.

AWW: If you can choose an animal as your spirit animal, what would that be? Why?
Georgia: A migratory bird, maybe a little flitting swallow? I draw inspiration from seeing the world in changing environments and I don't necessarily have a large sense of belonging to any singular place, but a small sense of belonging to many places.

AWW: We can tell you are a traveller as you had been living in Australia for years, then moving back to the U.K. and are going to stay in Berlin soon with your baby! What do you look forward to the most in Berlin? Is there anything exciting you wish to accomplish there?
Georgia: I look forward to surrounding myself with other creative people with children (post covid) so that we can support and inspire each other. I am due on the 23rd of march with my first baby. I know your life changes so much when you have children so I wanted to be in an environment that could foster me being a mother as well as a creative. I hope that while Berlin will be challenging to begin with, it will bring a great family life with many creative adventures. Basically, I’m just hoping Berlin and baby will help inspire new things and I learn and grow from both of them!

AWW: Do you have any favourite getaway places in these countries that are lesser known?
Georgia: Unfortunately because of Covid, I didn’t get to explore as much of the UK as I would have liked, or Berlin yet. But in Australia, some of my favourite getaway places are Wilsons Promontory and Chillagoe. Wilsons promontory is a beautiful national park on the south-east tip of Australia near Melbourne. There is a trail that usually takes 2-3 days to walk around and you camp on stunning beaches by the ocean which occasionally has bioluminescent algae. Chillagoe is an outback town in northeastern Australia where I grew up (near Cairns). It has stunning ancient cave systems, red dirt, snakes and just about anything you would associate with Australia.

AWW: 2020 was a year with many unexpected uncertainties which require us to be stronger and tougher than we used to be. Do you think you have changed across the year?
Georgia: I feel like my priorities have shifted. I now want to take things slower, not drive myself crazy with self-imposed deadlines. I want to lead a healthier, more balanced life. When you lose the “life” part in “work-life” balance, you realise it shouldn’t be taken for granted. All of this is part of me becoming a mum. I also had to learn to be creative when not in my “ideal” environment as my partner and I were stranded away from home for 4 months!

AWW: Last but not least, introduce 3 of your favourite Instagram accounts to us! :)
Georgia: I have so many I adore, but these are a few of my favourite illustrators!
Agnes Ofner - @agnes.ofner
Zuzana Cupova - @suwi.illustration
Emma Thrusse - @emmathrussell

To find out more about Georgia Camden please visit the artist's IG account | @georgiacamden
All images provided by Georgia Camden.