In a world full of uncertainties and challenges, it’s really a blessing to have some true colours in life to pull yourself together! Scrolling through Chilean illustrator Holly Jolley’s Instagram account is a true blessing to both mind and soul, not to mention about the details in her illustrations - ranging from animal wearing boots, the patterns she drawn on characters’ clothes to the subtle expressions of girls, Holly successfully creates an art world with true and unique colours!
If your mind feels a bit chaotic or you simply want some true colours today, don’t miss our interview with Holly Jolley!

AWW: We adore the animals with boots you draw so much - why do you put animals in shoes?
Holly: I honestly would love to give a really intellectual answer on this, but in the end I don't think I have one. A cat wearing uncomfortable shoes is the most graceful image I can think of.
AWW: We are impressed by the fact that you literally draw on anything, ranging from papers, vase to eggs! Can you tell us what’s the most interesting that you’ve drawn on?
Holly: For some reasons, I love painting my boots in funny ways. I love how people stare at them and look at me weirdly on the street.

AWW: We know you are a freelance illustrator and designer, so how do you balance between work and life?
Holly: I started getting illustration jobs when I was in university so I don't think I was great at having a life haha. After graduating, I had better time management and I would spend my time on doing the activities I enjoy. I guess the thing about being an illustrator is that you don't really stop working mentally, there is a lot of technical and admin stuff related to maintaining a one person “business”! So what I do is that I try to finish most things in the morning, especially admin and client work so I feel like I’ve already “done something” and won’t feel bad about leaving the afternoon for personal projects, friends and other things I enjoy doing. I think resting and being playful and experimental at the same time is vital to keep myself motivated.

AWW: It’s quite young for illustrators like you to be so accomplished! Can you give any advice to young illustrators in three sentences?
Holly: I don't really like to think of myself as someone “specifically accomplished”. I think illustration (and anything more artistic I guess) doesn’t really work as a straight forward line of accomplishments, It’s more like a really curvy weird entanglement with ups and lows. So I guess my main advice is to enjoy the process of navigating it without having the “eyes on the prize” mentality or expecting an specific outcome and getting frustrated over it, specially because I think the idea of success is getting more and more abstract and confusing all the time. I like to ask myself: what would I do without the pressure of making a living for myself? I use that question and my answer as guidance when I feel lost. (I’m so sorry about not answering this in three sentences.)

AWW: Okay, here comes the last question! 2020 is such a special year to all, despite all the ups and downs, is there anything that makes you feel positive or motivated in this year?
Holly: Even though I'm not the absolute queen of positivity and sometimes I tend to get a little too cynical and overwhelmed about things, surely I’m impressed with the fact that we still keep hanging on, even with all the injustice and craziness out there. Fires, pandemic, crazy politicians with terrible hair, wars, what’s next? Alien invasions? Or a new ice age? The list goes on forever but even if the world is so messed up I still catch myself smiling over little things: a nice text message from someone I care about, a cup of tea, a bike ride, eating an outstandingly perfectly round tangerine, hugging my sister, my cat, seeing a cloud with a funny shape etc. Unimportant nice things suddenly become so valuable.

To find out more about Holly Jolley please visit the artist's IG account | @holly_jolley_
All images provided by Holly Jolley.