Our Story

It AWW started with a Readymade idea upside down

Website Revamp

AWWYOURS website revamp. We give your home and destination of illustrations a new look by gracing it with more creative news, interviews, tools and everyday surprises.

AWW interviews Eric Carle, our favourite and wisest creator, on his childhood and creative life at the age of 90.


We enlist the help of our talented human friends and furry animal pals to create exclusive collaboration products: pins, tote bags, floaty pens, postcards and more.


We make our printed comeback with a quarterly magazine combining animals, illustrations and lifestyle tips. We have considered naming it PAWS, OMG IT’S CUTE and OHH, but at last we set our heart on AWW, a reversed image of RMM.


Readymade People

We meet face-to-face with 63 illustrators, designers, startup founders and entrepreneurs from Hong Kong and Taiwan. The results are full of heart stories and unedited videos in our Readymade People series.


Hello Mr. Blue Whale

“DO YOU KNOW by Mr. Blue Whale” Calendar takes us on a voyage to 12 beautiful cities and keeps our adventurous spirit up each month.

Readymade Objects Shop

Readymade Objects Shop is online! We select and bring to you products by our friends and favourite brands with so much love.


RMM Artbooks

RMM teams up with 12 one-of-a-kind artists to publish their own Artbooks. What’s better than to meeting new friends through illustrations and photography?

Hello Owlendar

We start this fruitful year with second calendar, a blissful calendar of wisdom and friendship.


Hello Calephant

CALEPHANT, our first ever product made of kraft card paper is a small gift with a big heart.

RMM Journal

We get out of our comfort zone to create RMM Journal, an online platform that offers a more lively and interactive way to spread positive energy and exciting news.


Our First Exhibition

We collaborate with Agnès B’s Librairie Galerie for an exhibition and Emotions box set. There was a huge typhoon that day!


Nice to Meet You!

RMM interviews our most admired artist Ai Weiwei. Yeah, WE MADE IT!


Our Youngest Contributor

Our youngest contributor, 4-year-old Jason, draws his favourite places in Hong Kong on a bus stop and underground map. 14 years later, he has moved on from his first print to his first pint.


Konnichiwa Kusama-san

The iconic polka dot pumpkin has landed on our cover! RMM speaks to Yayoi Kusama about her life story and favourites in Tokyo.


RMM is born out of our love to support and connect world-wide creators. Established and young creative forces are gathered in this beautifully designed quarterly publication to share their new experiments and endeavours.