Finding the cover artist for our first volume is perhaps the most challenging (and enjoyable!) thing we have to date. A few months ago, we were looking for someone who could best represent the spirit of AWW — bright, cheerful and fun, and see sparkles out of ordinary things. And then we found Sabine, who sees the true beauty in beach trash, bread and fruits, and gives them new meanings by creating artworks out of them. Changing perspectives is as important in Sabine’s work as in AWW. By delving into the lives of our furry companions we do not just learn more about their habits and thoughts, we also learn more about ourselves through the ways we express our love for pets.
We are most grateful that Sabine made us shine and visualised our motifs. We hope you will be inspired by Sabine and her creations as we are!

AWW: Hi Sabine! It’s an honour and pleasure to have your amazing artwork for AWW volume 1 cover. Vibrant, playful and fun, the cover artwork is everything AWW stands for. Tell us one interesting thing about your creation of the covers. And what came to your mind when you were introduced to AWW animal themes?
Sabine Timm: I’m so happy and honored that my studio characters will take an imaginary trip to Hong Kong and become the “Cover Stars“ of the first volume of your amazing AWW animal series!
The first brush characters were born in 2016…from this time on the brush family raised continuously and in 2018 I created the first animal brush objects.
Beside cats and dogs I love animals in general…wonderful creatures we should take care of and respect!

AWW: You’ve filled your instagram with stunning creations and inspirations made from bread, fruits, brushes and things you discover on the beach. You also described yourself as a beach-trash collector and flea-market lover. When did you find your love for found objects and create artworks out of them?
Sabine: Collecting interesting finds and beach trash treasures is something I started in my early childhood days! When I was on vacation at the seaside with my parents I picked up shards and fragments of broken china from mudflats at the sea. I still have that box and I remember each single piece!
More than 10 years ago beach combing became a theme again when my son was 7 years old and we visited the seaside. We found drift wood, sun bleached plastic pieces, flip-flop sandals and bottle caps and started playing and creating funny creatures. I was so much inspired by the material and the idea of turning something bad to something good that I still work with these found "beach trash treasures“.
I think you can make art with everything at any time... it’s just a matter of changing perspectives!

Sabine's dog
AWW: What are the places to find animal inspirations online and offline? What is your most-loved animal-themed object / social media account / illustration / book / movies?
Sabine: There are so many places I find inspirations for my work on that animal theme! Playing with our dog Lucy is for sure inspiring every time but I also collect vintage books about cats and dogs for collages just because I love the print colors of the Seventies.
My favorite movie is “Hachi: A Dog’s Tale“ with Richard Gere...I cried whenever I saw this heartbreaking true story of a faithful Akita Inu dog.
A social media account I follow is Max et Louise…wonderful pictures and stories about 3 dogs that are fond of traveling around the world!
My favorite animal-themed children books are from Maira Kalman, J.Otto Seibold and Anne Gutman.
I’m a big fan of Picasso and his ape sculpture "Baboon and Young".

AWW: Can you tell us some fun facts about dogs and cats in Germany? And you seem to travel a lot, where have you been to with your dog?
Sabine: I don’t know if this is a fun fact here in Germany but we have so called “Pfötchenhotels“ ( Hotel for little paws). Lucy goes there when we have to travel by air. Lucy loves swimming in the sea, running in the fields, exploring the woods but she is afraid of thunderstorms, fireworks and airplane rides.
When we are going on vacation with Lucy we drive by car and prefer the North Sea Coast. She is crazy about the endless beaches and the salty, sparkling foam. We all enjoy these wonderful beach days...Lucy is digging holes in the sand while we are sitting in the sun. There is nothing better than playing and running from morning till evening and having fun together!

AWW: How many dogs do you have now? What’s a typical day with your dog Lucy like?
Sabine: Lucy is our first and only dog…she is 9 years old but still very agile. She loves to cuddle and is the best companion you can imagine.
A typical day with Lucy starts in the morning at 6.30, when my husband makes the early walk with her in a big park next to our house. Than she has her breakfast and is napping a while. During my yoga exercises she lays her head on my legs and listens to the sound of chanting OM. Because Lucy is very protective she is always listening what is going on outside… (she isn’t a big fan of our postman ;) )
When I take photos at home she likes to be at my side. Sometimes she lays down on the background paper sheets and is waiting for some cuddles and treats or she’s just napping and dreaming.
In the early afternoon we make our big walk for at least one hour. We can decide between riverside, woods and fields because we live in a green area here in Düsseldorf.
When I work in my studio Lucy stays at home alone or with my son and husband.
She is so happy when the family is completed in the evening…she is waiting for me and always so excited to bring me my home slippers.
After dinner we make the last walk for the day and we play a little bit and cuddle with her.
During the night Lucy is sleeping on her plushy dog blanket.

To find out more about Sabine Timm please visit the artist's IG account | @virgin_honey
All images provided by Sabine Timm