From fairies and forest creatures to the intricacies of animal fur, illustrator Gabriella Barouch manages to capture the interactions between humans and nature in a harmonious and mysterious way. In the interview, Gabriella tells us about her all-time favourite source of inspiration, love for nature and fear of loss.

AWW: Where do you like to draw?
Gabriella Barouch: I love drawing in my studio, surrounded by inspirations I have collected along the years.

AWW: Do you still remember your first piece of work? What made you start drawing?
Gabriella: Yes, I was 12 and was really into faeries and forest creatures so I drew all over my bedroom wall a fairy forest, no documentation though unfortunately! It wasn't that good anyway :)
AWW: How do you come up with the style of illustrating animals?
Gabriella: I just love to draw details, fur especially, so I focus on that and the rest happen alone. I can draw fur all day.

AWW: Could you kindly explain your message behind your work?
Gabriella: I guess every illustration has got a message of its own. If I had to find one that connects them all, I would say naivety, love for nature, and the fear of lost.

AWW: What’s your beloved project/product/book/tv show/movie with an animal theme?
Gabriella: I'm torn between Where the wild things are and Okja. Where the wild things are is not about one specific animal but about the representation of our inner wild spirit through these animals creatures Sendak created.

Gabriella: Okja is rather recent movie and it really touched me, it evokes conversation about animals rights, about the amazing unexplained connection between humans and animals, and how much they need us to speak for them.

AWW: If you were to invent your very own animal, what would it be or look like?
Gabriella: Probably a combination of a cat and a bunny - max out cuteness!
AWW: What animal have you illustrated so far that best represents you?
Gabriella: Grizzly bear, just for the sleeping and honey part. If I had the option, I would probably sleep through the entire winter myself.

To find out more about Gabriella Barouch please visit the artist's IG account | @gabriellabarouch