Have you seen something and it reminded you of your childhood? Claire Fletcher's every painting is a reminder of warmth, innocence, and pure joy. Be it a cuddly cat or a magnificent polar bear, each stroke is an invitation to a trip down memory lane. Here is an interview with her about her routines.

AWW: Where do you like to draw?
Claire Fletcher: I have a wonderful studio, where I love to draw, in the old part of Hastings, it is a former fishermen's hut, used for storing nets and looks out onto old fishing boats and the English Channel beyond.

AWW: Do you still remember your first piece of work? What made you start drawing?
Claire: I have always wanted to paint and when I was growing up I used to copy illustrations by my favourite artists Beatrix Potter and Arthur Rackham. This picture shows my desk with a copy of Little Pig Robinson, a book by Beatrix Potter on it. Beatrix Potter visited Hastings whilst writing the book and drew the building that is now my studio. It features in the Tale of Little Pig Robinson.

AWW: How do you come up with the style of illustrating animals?
Claire: I have been a professional artist for almost 30 years and my work is constantly evolving. It has gradually become more detailed.

AWW: Could you explain the message behind your works?
Claire: In each painting, I try to evoke an emotion or story which you can enjoy looking at time after time.

AWW: What’s your beloved project/product/book/tv show/movie with an animal theme?
Claire: I am in the process of developing a large range of greetings cards, from my paintings, many with an animal theme.

AWW: If you were to invent your very own animal, what would it be or look like?
Claire: I would invent a cat with a mermaid's tail.

AWW: What animal have you illustrated so far that best represents you?
Claire: I think maybe a cat, I can sit for hours!

To find out more about Claire Fletcher please visit the artist's IG account | @clairefletcherillustration