Drawing ever since the time she can remember, Heegyum Kim perfectly depicts and illustrates animal and lifestyle illustrations on her own Instagram @hee_cookingdiary. Currently living in NYC, Kim has recently published her illustration art book “Draw 62 Things in Nature and Make them Cute: Step-by-step drawing for characters and personality” and it’s so adorable that it will make one go AWW. Ready to dive into Kim’s life and see where she gets all those inspirations?

AWW: What is your favourite “me” time activity?
Heegyum Kim: I love drawing after working hours, listening to jazz music, or playing The Sims.

AWW: The whole world is going through a turbulent period right now, can you share with us a “work from home” or quarantine tip?
Heegyum: Just try to relax and drink a cup of tea. Also, stay positive. Snuggle with furry friends to get mental support is also a tip!

AWW: We see that you draw a lot of food illustrations as well, can you share one of your guilty pleasures with us?
Heegyum: I love lasagna! Making ragu and alfredo sauce with mushroom and layering them one by one with cheese--- So good!

AWW: Do you have any motto or quotes that you live by?
Heegyum: Hmm... I cannot recall any.

AWW: Do you have a furry companion on your own? Can you share one of the activities you enjoy doing with it?
Heegyum: I have two corgis. Fry and Mandu (aka Dumpling). They love playing with laser pointers. Since we cannot go to the dog park recently (which is their favourite activity), we play with laser pointers indoor. They would get super excited to chase after the laser point.

AWW: We realised that you draw a lot of animals in your work. What inspired you to draw in this style?
Heegyum: My two corgis are my inspiration. Ever since I got them, I’ve been interested in animal welfares like dog rescue. Of course, my animal drawings are not just about dogs but my dogs inspired me to draw more animals.

AWW: “Mr. Fox and Friends Colouring Book” is such an adorable art book! We love it! Do you have a favourite animal art book in your mind?
Heegyum: It’s not an “animal” art book, but I have Arthur Spiderwick’s "Field Guide to the Fantastical World Around You" in mind. It’s about fantastic creatures and it is beautifully illustrated.

To find out more about Heegyum Kim please visit the artist's IG account | @hee_cookingdiary